Saint Gobain uPVC Windows and Doors, Aizawl Mizoram

uPVC Windowsin Aizawl, Mizoram


The global leader in building materials, introduces revolutionary uPVC window technologies, never seen before in Aizawl, Mizoram India.

Why Saint Gobain uPVC Windows

Whitest uPVC Window profile in Aizawl, Mizoram, India

Whitest uPVC Profile

Colour test is the measurement of uPVC Profile colour values (L *, a*, b*) using an instrument called Spectrophotometer. With an L-value greater than 96.5, Saint-Gobain has the whitest profiles in India. This is achieved by using the best quality raw materials as well as the highest quantity of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) used by any manufacturer in India.

Seamless Joint, uPVC Windows in Aizawl, Mizoram

Seamless uPVC Zip Welding

For the first time in India, Saint-Gobain is introducing a revolutionary patented welding technology called Seamless Zip Welding. Not only is it stronger than traditional welding, it also has the best finish of any manufacturer in India.

uPVC Windows with superior reinforcement in Aizawl, Mizoram

WinSteel uPVC Reinforcements

Saint Gobain patented WinSteel reinforcement that is 7 times superior against rusting than conventional steel reinforcement, making the window exceptionally durable.

Saint Gobain uPVC Windows

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Saint-Gobain My Home
Views : Authorized Partners,
Ground Floor, Rear Side,
Solomon’s Cave, Tuikual South
Aizawl -796001, Mizoram
Phone:0389 - 3564694
Mobile:9654 956 742
6909 364 955
9862 351 441
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